OpenAmiga (13/964)

From:Rudi Chiarito
Date:2 Sep 2000 at 16:38:17
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Socket Help

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 11:14:59AM -0700, Jesse McClusky wrote:
> Actually, I don't think the network functionality is actually *in* yet.

The functionality has been there since way before the release of 1.0,
even from Java.

> I know at least the stubs are there, but I think they just return dummy

What makes you think so?!? I'm puzzled.

> values for now. Could be wrong... Someone else know anything
> for sure on this?

You're wrong indeed. It was a problem in Patrick's tests. Since you've
spread misinformation, our anti-FUD squad is coming to get you. After a
whole week of non-stop spanking (with a copy of "The road ahead"), we'll
have you tied and in pure Clockwork Orange style you'll spend two weeks
watching with eyes wide open "The mighty life and the pious deeds of
William Henry Gates III". ;)))

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." (F. Zappa)
Rudi Chiarito SGML/XML, user interface, i18n Amiga Inc.
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