OpenAmiga (136/964)

Date:6 Sep 2000 at 20:10:06
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: has anyone run SPEC benchmark using VP?

>> So I am getting more curious how Tao's VP compares in terms
>> of execution speed and code footprint. Hopefully it is in
>> the same ballpark...
>Don't know why you're bothering with chasing after benchmarks.

Because I like to investigate how things work, how they compare, whether
there is a way to improve it!

>In the long run, there's no comparison:

This is silly talk. We do not know how things will work out in the long

>CEF may end up being processor agnostic, but it will be
>handicapped to the constraints of a Micro$haft OS environment.

Lets not be blinded by our dislike for MS technology.

I simply care about how well VP works compared to a similar technology. The
fact is that we do not know how well VP works compared to natively compiled
programs. Wouldn't it suck if Microsoft's CEF was actually better than
VP?!?!?! Note that I am not after benchmarking TAO/Ami or Windows CE.
Rather, I am after benchmarking this underlying, fundamental technology,
which is completely independent of the operating environment/system.

For example, I understand that the current translator does not do a great
job with floating point computations, or dealing with C code that is
compiled with "long" integers. Is this a limitation do to TAO/Ami's
translator or does it fundamentally have to do how VP is designed?


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