OpenAmiga (172/964)

From:Victor I. Haaz
Date:7 Sep 2000 at 17:53:13
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Re: biofeedback, etc.

From: Chuck Davis <>
To: Victor I. Haaz <>; <>
Date: Thursday, September 07, 2000 15:58
Subject: AMIOPEN: Re: biofeedback, etc.

>On 05-Sep-00, Victor I. Haaz, wrote:
>>Hello, Chuck,
>>I seen your reply on the OpenAmiga list. I checked the links at the bottom.
>>(The points to a missing page!)
>>I'm a user of Comptronic's true BWE devices, and so somewhat interested in
>>other brain/mind technology. Are you a maintainer of the computers at these
>>companies, or also experienced in these things? Could you tell me more about
>>these? (Roshi and "Interactive Light Therapy".)
>>Victor I. Haaz
>When the time comes that you experience the ROSHI(AVS) type system, Victor,
>you will throw rocks at what you've been doing, in the past :^)
>My system has but one screen :( but it is more than adequate, for the
>trainings involved., Of course, the system runs on an Amiga 1200 :)
>I've taken on a lot of arrows, for that. Anyway, I'm trying to learn this
>AmigaNG system. Since all I know is 68K assembler, started writing the
>program, in '88, I'm quite lost, in this new and very complicated paradigm.
>My intent is to port my realtime kernel to the AmigaVP. It looks as tho
>I'm going to have to ask for help, in doing a kewl GUI w/ database,
>into which I can embed the ROSHI(AVS) kernel. It can be the killer app,
>in the neurofeedback world. It /already/ is ;^)
>They'll, then, get off my back and stop ragging me, for not being on
>the feecee platform and notebook. I'm dazzled by the dudes on this list.
>I'm sure to learn a lot. Right now, I'm snowed, but I gotta get this done.
>I'll send you my netblurb, on the system, that was on that website.
>Later, I'll post it to the list; as I know that are some real geeks
>that might like to cobble together a Star Trek Voyager type GUI thingy ;^]
>Feecee people are, totally, enamoured by windoze :(
>Tell me what you think.
>BTW, I'm cc-ing this to the list, as I'm really into writing things,
>only ONCE :)

Sorry, but it relates to my private matters, and I didn't give you permission
to post it here public. How could I get you serious then?

Victor I. Haaz

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