OpenAmiga (177/964)

From:Ed Dana
Date:8 Sep 2000 at 02:44:05
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: A few questions...

Jesse McClusky wrote:

> > From: "Stefan Robl" <>
> >
> <snip>
> > This would be totally unflexible IMO because you can't change *anything* in
> > your system (sure there is a tool out there which hacks into the path
> > structures, but this cannot be the final solution!)!
> >
> > Is it at least possible to use additionally *relative* pathnames?
> Nope. Not yet, anyway. If you're writing your code in VP,
> you can at least use my tcall macro for dynamic paths, and I
> can tell you how to determine the path of the current tool (also
> only if you're coding in VP directly).
> Gary, Rudi, and Fleecy (I believe) all have stated at one time
> or another that "Tao is working on the problem." Basically,
> they've gotta change some internal kernal stuff to make it
> happen.

They need something akin to the Classic Amiga "assign" command. Leaving this out
would be tragic, IMHO.

Sincerely, | Good and bad I defined these terms,
Ed Dana | Quite clear, no doubt, somehow...
Software Developer | Ah, but I was so much older then,
Amiga Enthusiast. | I'm younger than that now!
| -- Bob Dylan, My Back Pages.
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