OpenAmiga (194/964)

From:David Trollope
Date:9 Sep 2000 at 04:23:06
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Compressed archive formats and Installers

Hi Alexander,

> An even easier way than datatypes - use a compressed file system.
> There is already a read only ZIP file system, which the installer
> could use and just look for key installation files in known
> directories / file names within the ZIP (or other) virtual drive.
> When a new compression format comes along, just install a new
> file system driver for it, and your old installer keeps on working.

I agree that a ZIP filesystem would be good, but since when could you drop
the filesystem in to a directory? and have it work for any zip file? data
types don't force you to create a mount point, and mount the filesystem each
time. You just drop the datatype in to the dir, and AddDataType ... Then any
application that uses datatypes can read any file from anywhere. What could
be easier? Bah humbug to creating mount points per zip archive and mounting
it. They only get in the way when you forget to delete them again after
unmounting it of course. unmounting?


> - Alex
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David + Diane

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