OpenAmiga (204/964)

From:g'o'tz ohnesorge
Date:12 Sep 2000 at 15:09:15
Subject:Re: [Re: AMIOPEN: G450 released]

James Russell wrote:

> I agree. I have an ATI All-in-wonder Pro and refuse to "upgrade" to a
> video card that doesn't support video in/TV card capabilities.

I have the same and will happily change to having graphics and 3D output on a separate card than
video and TV input .. I have a feeling ATi may have compromised a bit on quality to get both onto
the same card at a selling price. But I do think that a computer should be able to "see", i.e.
have video in and such (which oddly enough has also been specified so by the great evil in their
PC99 spec), and ideally also software to do something useful from this.

> my TV as far as games go (also, on a TV you lose at least an inch of
> picture on all sides, at least on standard crap TVs), and whatever

Hehe .. most people with video or TV-out features on their gfx cards are hunting after tools to
get the black border away and stretch the picture output, so it'll reach into all edges of their
TV. But I share your taste of seeing all plus that border instead of having any pixel invisible
out there .. control freak and such. ;)

> for something more multimedia capable than the G400/G450 for the real

The Matrox Marvel add-on to the G400 cards is one of the highest quality and features video
capture devices in the low-cost market (well, still double as expensive as our AIWpro ever used to
be, but should beat it hands down in every aspect). There's more than one reason Matrox was chosen
by Amiga.

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