OpenAmiga (215/964)

From:Joachim Thomas
Date:9 Sep 2000 at 13:26:57
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: A few questions...

Hello Ed

On 09-Sep-00, Ed Dana wrote:

>ED That being said, however, the Assign command still needs to be there.
>ED Whether the file system is Hierarchical, Relational or Object, a single
>ED instance of an Object will still reside in a single place. I.e.
>ED Drive1:Applications\Graphics\Renderer\LightWave\<executable>. It would
>ED go beyond stupid to ignore the benefits of the Assign command. Whether
>ED that instance changes (you move it to a new drive or directory) or you
>ED have multiple instances (maintaining older versions for compatibility)
>ED it is simply *too* valuable not to be able to tell the system to "look
>ED here" for the program you want to use. Such is the power of that little
>ED command.

the original ASSIGN command has also some additional features in
handling/removing DEVICEs defined for the system (I hope there will be also
a device handling powerful and flexible like the old one we had... I'm still
using my a1200 to convert floppies/tapes/other data supports in strange
formats to standard data formats to be used under PC, Mac, PiclkSys, Linux,
ecc... :-) )


Joachim Thomas - - ICQ 18088459
Member of ATO (italian Division) & Team-Amiga
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