OpenAmiga (218/964)

Date:9 Sep 2000 at 14:06:00
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: [Q] gets and puts

>Hi again!
>Patrick Roberts wrote:
>> Make sure you fflush(stdout) and fflush(stdin). On many (most) systems
>> a \n automacitally flushes but not on Elate.

> printf(">%s<\n", str);

>The output of printf should be the string in between '>' and '<', but I
>only see the "><", nomatter what I type. I also compiled it under Linux,

just a guess, but try printf("\>%s\<\n",str) case elate is treating < & >
in a special way,.. you could also re-direct the printf to a file, to make
sure that the shell is not pissing you around.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd
NPD Firmware

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