OpenAmiga (222/964)

From:Ed Dana
Date:9 Sep 2000 at 16:03:34
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: A few questions...

Gary Peake wrote:

> On Fri, 08 Sep 2000 18:23:47 -0700, Ed Dana
> <> wrote:
> >If Amiga Inc. has a better way, I'd like to hear it, of course. :)
> You will.
> :)

Argh!!! Gary you tease!!!

I hope you're first up against the wall when the revolution finally comes.! ;)

What is it? It needs to be in the OS _now_! So developers can use it! (In all
fairness, I just barely got my SDK up and running today, I haven't had a
chance to look. :)

Sincerely, | Good and bad I defined these terms,
Ed Dana | Quite clear, no doubt, somehow...
Software Developer | Ah, but I was so much older then,
Amiga Enthusiast. | I'm younger than that now!
| -- Bob Dylan, My Back Pages.
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