OpenAmiga (255/964)

From:James Russell
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 01:17:26
Subject:Subject: Re: [RE: AMIOPEN: has anyone run SPEC benchmark using VP?]

> wrote:
> > >> So I am getting more curious how Tao's VP compares in terms
> > >> of execution speed and code footprint. Hopefully it is in
> > >> the same ballpark...
> > >
> > >Don't know why you're bothering with chasing after benchmarks.

Because when evangelizing, it's nice to be able to say: "Amiga's Java (or VP
footprint, etc.) speed is X times faster than X" etc. Just the facts, man. :)
All I can say now is "damn it's fast, I seen it!" However, benchmarks
shouldn't be taken seriously until the end of the beta cycle, of course.

> > The fact is that we do not know how well VP works compared to natively
> > compiled programs.
I DO know that VP code looks for a native tool FIRST (they are marked as 0,
where non-native is 1 and above). I don't know how far this goes, so
concievably you could use entirely native toolsets. If you were only ever
going to use one processor, it would then make sense to do this(?).

Is this the case, anyone? Can you go entirely native with VP code? Should


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