OpenAmiga (268/964)

From:Staf Verhaegen
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 14:23:06
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: SMP Support in Ami ? wrote:
> Hi,.
> >Will the finished Ami DE support SMP in any given box?
> >I am planning on building a new system shortly - something
> >in a dual Athlon once the AMD SMP chipset is out
> >(somewhere in September/October).
> >From the docs, it seems that elate will do multi-processing across
> multiple cpus, on one bus or across a number of busses (server clusters)
> so you should be quite safe with any smp bios.
> BTW cos its vp smp, you could have a cluster of alpha, mips, ppc, intel
> etc boxes load shareing the same software processess.

Only this is not called SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) but asymmetric
multiprocessing (AMP ? to throw in another acronym) because it performs
multiprocessing on processor with different architecture/performance.


THISNAA: THis IS Not An Acronym

|Staf Verhaegen ( |ADRESS: IMEC vzw. - ASP/LITHO|
|tel: 016/ 281 783 | Kapeldreef 75 |
|fax: 016/ 281 214 | 3001 Leuven (Belgium)|
For every tool there are at least 2 uses: the one it was designed for
and the other for which it wasn't.
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