OpenAmiga (281/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 19:41:47
Subject:Re: [RE: AMIOPEN: AmiPak]

> From: "Aaron Optimizer Digulla" <>
> A much better solution would be if you can "cd" into an archive. I
> also thought about automatically creating a directory with the same
> name (without the extension) but that has some drawbacks:
> Another solution *migth* be to offer foo.tar.gz/foo.tar and
> foo.tar.gz/foo (so you can have to archive inside the archive
> and the contents of the archive inside the archive) but that
> makes the transparent decompression more complex and it
> also might cause problems (because if we have a "good" filesystem,
> then the extensions of the files have no real meaning, ie.
> you can have a ZIP archive with any extension and the filesystem
> will still recognise it - no crashes like on Windows when you
> rename a .BMP into a .EXE).

There's other advantages to this as well.
For instance, you could have an image handler that allowed
you to do things like:

cat foo.jpg/width


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