OpenAmiga (282/964)

From:Georg Steger
Date:11 Sep 2000 at 18:36:31
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: kdp

ik wrote:
> I have just uploaded KDP to the amiga ftp server (
> KDP is a small graphics library we made to make it easier to port
> 320x200x8 bit graphic effects from/to (classic PowerPC) Amiga and
> Windows.
> Included are some demo programs (tunnels,bumpmap,etc..).
> It's not supposed to be a complete graphics system,and its not in
> development any more.It has only been used by us for some testing and
> experimenting.
> The complete source (in c) is included,and shows how to open a
> window,reading the mouse coordinates and showing 8 bit palletized images
> in a window.

I ported it to AROS (BTW: tun demo does not seem to work), if someone
is interested or wants to do some speed tests or something.

Georg Steger, Hochlercher 30, I-39030 St. Johann/Ahrntal

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