OpenAmiga (306/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:12 Sep 2000 at 21:20:22
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 06:49:28 +0530

> From: "g'o'tz ohnesorge" <>
> | is a vertical bar, found in elate by pressing shift+ the key left of
> the number 1 on the keyboard (I hope ;) ).

Actually, here in the US, it's always just over the Enter key.
If the Enter key is only in one row (the third), then it's between
the Enter key and the Backspace key. If the Enter key is two
rows (second and third) high, then it's just above the Enter
key and just to the left of the Backspace key. You do still
have to use shift to access it though.

The grave (`) and (shifted) tilde (~) are just to the left of the
number 1 on a US keyboard.


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