OpenAmiga (350/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 07:36:07
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Compressed archive formats and Installers

> From: "David Trollope" <>
> A micro-merge filesystem. Interesting. You know that would be kind of
> interesting. An OS called inferno let you bind together any dir to give you
> a view which looked like a filesystem. It was nice. Now if that was expanded
> to allow automatic patching of the two sources it would be real cool as you
> would be able to patch CDROMs... Not physically, but 1 source being the
> CDROM, the second source in the view being the patch. When you access the
> view, you see the patched file.... In fact you could actually migrate from
> one version of software to another by just creating a view of patched files....
> A traditional filesystem only allows you to view through whole files, this
> would be different.
> Jesse, could you make the OE allow patched objects?

Heh. I'm sure something similar will be possible at a lower level...


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