OpenAmiga (351/964)

From:Juan Carlos Marcos Rodr�guez
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 07:35:37
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Absence of VP in distros, and strategy

From: Jim Peters <>

>> there should be some way for the OS to _enforce_ the presence
>> of .00 (VP) binaries in any installation archive. However I don�t
>> have any way of enforcing this at hand.

> This is all nonsense. It's not an Ami program if it doesn't have
> VP binaries - it would be an Ami/x86 or Ami/PowerPC program

Then... So what, for the customer? Almost every computer in sight uses a x86
processor. So this is viable. In fact, it's profitable. So it will happen.
The solution is centralised control of the distributions, something very
rare and alienating. Of course, I'm worrying too much. There's a ton of work
to do to even get near this point. Just about that, two questions:
- How's that second SDK release, with the missing multimedia APIs?
- How's that third SDK release, with the graphical user interface from Amiga
- What happened to the "free downloadable version", that was talked about
(read: promised, as many understood)?

> the idea is to allow the supplier to provide native binaries to give
> performance or feature gains on particular platforms, falling back
> on the VP binaries everywhere else ?

That would be the Elate concept, only upside down...

> The power of this VP thing is that Amiga can change the processor
> in their boxes every year (they have expressed this intention).

What Amiga has expressed is that they wouldn't be building hardware, so in
my honest opinion, this statement does not fit in the equation. It's true
that the idea is having Amiga software running on POTENTIALLY every
hardware, but check the chances for it not being plain x86. So this
architecture should be the most worked on, it's only logical (we can say
that all this x86 crap comes from the evil empire, and all that drivel, but
that's a fact, and it's clever to assume facts and take advantage of them).
So does QNX, for example.
Now, for the second release of the SDK, bring out a version hosted over
Windows9x, and watch sales figures fly. Use what's down there, just that.
Hey, I started answering your message, and ended up enquirying Amiga Inc...
hope you understand. Sorry if I bothered you, this is not personal!

See ya!

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