OpenAmiga (353/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 07:56:16
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Re:

> From: "Martin Baute" <>
> That�s simply not true at the present. "Microsoft Word" simply sells better
> than "Star Office, approved by Amiga Inc." if for no other reason because
> it�s from Microsoft.

There are other reasons. The MS Office feature set is several
orders of magnitude greater than that of Star Office, even if
much of that is things most people don't see. Plus, it's easier
to find and install -- just go to *any* computer store.

> All this from the point of view that companies like "Big Bill" could try
> to make Ami a failure by _providing_ software. Nasty, but that�s the
> way Microsoft operates.

Which is why Amiga isn't even interested in taking on
Windows. No point. Now, if you can capture most
or all of the rapidly-expanding embedded market, which
appears to be poised to replace a good portion of the
computing industry in about 5-10 years...

Computing really is about to make a major swing away
from computers being independent monolithic entities.
Amiga just intends to nudge it on in that direction a little
bit faster than it would otherwise happen.

> > Having a VP version is cheaper and
> > faster to make,
> Nonsense, I can compile the same source to VP and x86, same
> development time.

Actually, once all the services get in and the OE is
fully operational, development time for *new*
software will take a huge plummet under it.


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