OpenAmiga (367/964)

From:Vidar Langberget
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 11:02:23
Subject:Re: [Re: [Re: AMIOPEN: G450 released]]

At 09:52 13.09.00 -0700, you wrote:
>1. Matrox does not have the overheating problems many of the other cards do
>when under heavy, constant use.

Why do you think this is? They clock their cards mcuh lower than the
competition. One effect is better stability, but it hurts performance. And
the problem is not a big problem. If you use a properly ventilated case,
and you don't overclock, you should NOT run into any problems with 99% of
the cards on the market.

>6. Dave Haynie likes the Matrox G400 too. :)

I'm pretty sure he likes the Radeon as well...


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