OpenAmiga (369/964)

From:Jonas Gustavsson
Date:14 Sep 2000 at 12:01:02
Subject:SV: AMIOPEN: Absence of VP in distros, and strategy

> May I ask again, please, what about the free downloadable SDK? Perhaps
> somebody will get angry at this question, but I'd still like an aswer.
> Silence has its own meaning, but that would let me, and some other people,
> make our own (negative) assumptions.
There are both licensing and financial issues going into this, although I�m not
an authority on neither I doubt you will see a free downloadable SDK in the
near future.
I guess you�re comparing Ami SDK to neutrino but you should not realy as
Amiga Inc. licenses parts of the SDK from other companies(most notably
TAO) we(Amiga Inc.) need some form of revenue to make up for the staff
and other expenses. In the case of neutrino they don�t have the same lic.
issues to deal with and the revenue comes from other people buying lic. to
use their software.

Again I�m not into lic. and economics(I do 3D however) so don�t take this
as a official statement of any means :)


Jona Gustavsson
3D Dev. Team / Support
Amiga Inc.

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