OpenAmiga (386/964)

Date:14 Sep 2000 at 15:24:00
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: VP vs native binaries


>> So it would be a good idea to ensure the presence of .00 binaries
>> _now_, so the hardware shift _could_ take place later. Even if
>> some companies are not evil-minded, they could just be lazy:
>> "Our app is so big, why ship two sets of binaries if x86 is covering
>> 95% of the market? Gee, we could save the CD space and put on
>> yet more fonts, clip-arts, ads or whatever instead..."

There is of course another reason, that of backwards compatabliity, would
it not be great if all your m68k apps worked straght away on the ppc ?

So when intel dump the Intel (IA32) and switch over to the mostly
incompatably IA64 processor you just downlaod a new 50k translator and a
10k boostrap and all your applications and existing system will work just


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd
NPD Firmware

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