OpenAmiga (388/964)

Date:14 Sep 2000 at 15:37:00
Subject:RE: AMIOPEN: Re:

>> CORBA wraps all the above, it can do RPC or java bridges, or
>> DCOM bridges
>> its multiplatform and platform indipendent. Plus its an open excepted
>> standard, you cant do much better than a good CORBA implementation.
>OK, then, are we going TAO, MICO, Orbit
>or one of the expensive commercial CORBA busses like Orbix or VisiBroker
>or even worse, the BEA one (personal taste, don't flame me please) ?

Does it matter ? they all support the CORBA 2.x spec, and a standard range
of corba facilities and services. Orbit is as good as any, and it costs a
whole lot less cash (man hours), than any random other.

>> Why re-invent the weel, when you can do an optimised
>> implmentation of it.

>I think they will use an existing one
>or no CORBA bus (then this would be 'an Ami way' of distributing objects).

no corba means no sensible distibuted objects, i am pretty sure there will
be a corba-a-like interface, beacuse amiga are supporting many programming
languages, and will need to interact with many platforms.

>(I should maybe open a new thread for this, sorry)

no point really (i am sure this is nearly dead),.. the heading is getting
impressive anyway.


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd
NPD Firmware

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