OpenAmiga (430/964)

From:Vit Sindlar
Date:15 Sep 2000 at 15:57:12
Subject:AMIOPEN: Localization (was: Date: Tue...)


g'o'tz ohnesorge wrote:
> Rafael Vicar�a Alloza wrote:
> > BTW, is the greatest localization system in any OS AFAIK going to be
> > in the new Amig as welll or is it anything even better coming up, like support
> > for asian languages, I wonder?
> Rudi's working on an even better one. :)

Sounds great... Hmm, is it possible to reveal more information? :-)
BTW, we at Amiga Translators' Organization have been told by
Rudi himself that there will be an internal discussion regarding
localization issues in a new system. So, is it still valid?

Vit Sindlar, ATO-CZ admin -
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