OpenAmiga (448/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:16 Sep 2000 at 01:17:58
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Keyboards and Props, and Blits (was: Dev Questions)

> From: "Rudi Chiarito" <>
> > Q: Is it possible to directly read the keyboard matrix ?
> > (e.g. detect if three keys are pressed together?)

Here's a thought: Have the AFL device that monitors the keyboard
keep track of current down/up keys in a linked list or matrix, and
have an option in the service to query a specific key's status (up,
down, down+repeating).

> > Q: How can gadget color, font, and texture properties be changed?
> Look at the dev/ave/default.prp file. This assumes you are using the std
> toolkit. It should be noted that the property system will be overhauled
> in the near future.

Which is a *very good thing*, as those of you who've looked at its
current state will know.

> > Q: Are any pixmap blit methods hardware accelerated?
> Currently, none. However hardware accelerated pixmap drivers for certain
> graphics cards are on the way. Plus several VHDL compaines are now
> creating support silicon specifically for the AVE.

Plus, once Tao gets SIMD and 3D-Now processor types in,
you could make versions that use those to do blits. (:


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