OpenAmiga (451/964)

From:Rafael Vicar�a Alloza
Date:16 Sep 2000 at 00:04:43
Subject:AMIOPEN: How does one print AW?.pdf files properly?

Hello John,

On Friday, 15-Sep-00, 00:59:36,
<> wrote about:
Re: AMIOPEN: Name of system drawers ?:

> Hi Thomas!

> On 14-Sep-00, Thomas Wurgler wrote:
>> I'd like to see a combination of Amigas and Macs
>> directory structure.

> "Firstly, there is no such thing as a file." I guess, you
> can't talk of directories then.
> Check:

Now that you mention it, does anybody know how to print those AW?.pdf
files? They look like they are in A3 size pages, instead of A4 size
pages, and I don't have an A3 size printer. And the A4 printer only
prints an A4 size fraction of the A3 page, so you get part of both
pages, which is useless.

I have available Acrobat Reader v3 for Solaris and Acrobat Reader v4 for

Apologies if this results to be a very silly question.

Thank you very much in advance

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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