OpenAmiga (484/964)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:17 Sep 2000 at 07:55:43
Subject:AMIOPEN: Intent Bug

Hi Jerry (Gary)-

Here's another couple of bugs I think I've found with the DSFX lib.

1) 16-bit stereo samples only play the left channel correctly. The
right one is garbled. I've tried swapping the bytes just to check if that's it
but it didn't help. The format I'm writing the 2-channel data in is
interleaved- i.e. 0xLLLLRRRR 0xLLLLRRRR etc... Which seems to be correct, as
the left channel is perfect. Stereo seems to work fine with 8-bit and 32-bit
with one exception:

2) 32-bit samples play the channels swapped. 0xLLLLLLLL 0xRRRRRRRR etc... L
comes out the R channel and R the L.

3) This isn't so much a bug, but I can't seem to find any way to
play a soundmap (ave_avo_snd_*)- i.e. how does one get the address of the
physical sample in memory to pass to dev_dsfx_log? I can't find anywhere in
the docs that these two (ave_ave_snd & dev_dsfx) interface with each other.

Thanks :)
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