OpenAmiga (493/964)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:17 Sep 2000 at 20:03:53
Subject:AMIOPEN: MP3 Player

Work has become so busy that I'm going to have to give up porting the libmad
MP3 decoding library at least for now. I've uplaoded
what I have to the CVS server. There are two last bugs that I can't chase down
and I really need to get focused back on AmiPak and E-Winease.

libmad and madplay are a library and player for MP3 Audio files.
They are entirely integer based using fixed point math (no FP stuff
which is good for Elate)

Known Bugs:

libmad.a (library): Decoded audio has distortion. Probably some

madplay.00 (player): Audible gap between frames when playing back

If anyone wants to pick it up and work on it please do so.

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