OpenAmiga (504/964)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:17 Sep 2000 at 21:23:31
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Missing pieces and SHEEP's designer

Jesse McClusky wrote:
> > From: "Patrick Roberts" <>
> >
> > How does Photogenics compare to Gimp?
> Photogenics was created because art programs aren't
> written from the point of view of the artist, and Paul
> (being a young artist at the time) decided that at least
> one should be.
> Gimp was written to try to emulate Adobe Photoshop,
> without the several hundred dollar price tag.

Wow! That's my biggest complaint with Gimp- it
feels like it was written by a bunch of programmers
with no input from artists. Even though it has more
features than Photoshop I find it isn't as easy
to work with.

I'll have to give Photogenics a whirl!

Thanks :)
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