OpenAmiga (513/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:17 Sep 2000 at 23:39:57
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: AMI Game distribution philosphy

> From: "Daniel Robbins" <>
> This is an excellent question. Will an Intent runtime environment for
> e.g. Linux be free or will it need to be bought? With Gentoo Linux 1.0
> just around the corner, I'm definitely interesting in bundling a Linux
> Amiga runtime environment with Gentoo as soon as it is available.

You'll have to talk to Tao, but I can pretty much guarantee it will have
a per-copy licensing fee because that's how Tao stays in business.
However, that fee doesn't have to be that high, depending on how
it's being distributed and packaged, the target market, etc.


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