OpenAmiga (522/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:18 Sep 2000 at 06:46:19
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: AMI Game/App distribution philosphy

> From: "David Marshman" <>
> Jesse did scribe:
> >There should be a "wrapper" install available for each platform.
> <snip> lots of really good stuff </snip>
> >Once again, just an idea I proposed.
> Great stuff - Yep, this is exactly what I was imagining - have you had
> any feedback to your proposals?

You'd have to talk to Gary for Amiga's official stance. (:

> I imagine there'll be a few technical problems that will need coding
> out - e.g:
> - game saves - how do you accomplish it on such a wide variety on
> hardware without lots of unique code
> [VMU on dreamcast, hard disk on desktops, god knows what on
> PDAs, etc....),
> or will there just be a standard elate API for such stuff (with AMI/
> tao writing the system level code)...??

That isn't even an issue, trust me. Remember that "no files" concept...? (:


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