OpenAmiga (537/964)

From:Gregor Goldbach
Date:18 Sep 2000 at 12:24:34
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Missing pieces and SHEEP's designer

On Sat, Sep 16, 2000 at 04:50:21PM -0700, Jesse McClusky wrote:

> > > very easy to create devices and libraries too. The guy's brilliant,
> >
> > 'easy to create': yes. But they're not that easy to use ;)
> Easy to use from what? For C/C++, each compiler had its own

>From more than one task. IIRC a library couldn't be used by more than one
process/task created in a program. Ask for more infos on the E mailing list or
even better Wouter himself ;)

I won't discuss this any further on this list.

> Jesse, who also happens to be the author of EM for the 2.1 version of AmigaE.

Gregor, who also happens to be the author of E2, the portable E
compiler, which was never finished ;)

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