OpenAmiga (549/964)

From:Gary Peake
Date:18 Sep 2000 at 18:00:07
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: AMI Game distribution philosphy

On Sun, 17 Sep 2000 17:27:08 EDT, "David Marshman"
<> wrote:

>Hi guys, I've been pondering on this subject for a while, and the
>recent Dreamcast/Sega threads have stirred me into action :)
>Gary, this may be aimed at you, but i was just wondering what everyone
>elses thoughts are....
>Given the write once, run anywhere design of Elate/AMI, will game
>developers/publishers be allowed to distribute a basic, run-time
>version of the Amiga environment (for many OS/hardware configurations)?
>(basically, somthing along the lines of the way most Win9x games come
>with a copy of DirectX on the CD, will Amiga allow developers to
>licence/include the required parts of the AMIVerse on the game CD)?
>The above scenario would allow a game to be written for a minimum
>(hypothetical) hardware spec. (say 16 MB RAM, xMB of non-volatile
>storage, 640X480 screen, etc....), and supply the game to customers of
>the following (assuming the Elate/AMI binaries exist), e.g. :-
>Sega Dreamcast
>Win 2***/Me
>Is this the intended scheme??

One of many uses of the product, yes.

Gary Peake
Director Support
Amiga Inc.

Catch the Dream ... Amiga Dream Team

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