OpenAmiga (55/964)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:5 Sep 2000 at 12:30:01
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Dev Questions

Thanks Daniel!

Q&A #008 posted to the Faq-O-Matic under GFX.


Daniel Adler wrote:
> Hi Pat,
> here's an answer to question 8
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------
> >008
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Q: How can pixels be directly written to a pixmap frame buffer?
> 1. Allocate memory for the given size of the pixmap frame buffer.
> 2. Open a specific pixmap instance and give it the pointer of your
> allocated memory
> 3. Write to the memory, and call update on the pixmap-object
> example:
> qcall lib/malloc,(640*480*4:buf)
> qcall ave/avo/pix/32bit/open,(buf,640,480,640*4:pix)
> cpy $FF000000,[buf]
> ncall pix,update,(pix:-)
> --
> so long,
> plex
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