OpenAmiga (609/964)

From:Aaron Ruscetta
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 05:38:43
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, Patrick Roberts wrote:

> > I second this :-) No matter if you love Perl, Java or C++; Python has
> > just a much better learning curve ! And that's the only thing that
> > counts about a builtin scripting language.
> I've been staying out of this thread, but the issue of learning
> curve raises an interesting point- how about CINT as a builting
> scripting language? Nothing new to learn for C programmers.

I think all the above would be wonderful options in that they're all
competent and broadly used languages (actually, I'm taking you're word
on CINT, since I've never run accross that one before:). I hope all
these and many others (especially REBOL) are ALL available to the new

Unless SHEEP turns out to be some extraordinarily integrated yet
amazingly simple to learn solution, adapting more broadly supported
Inter Process // CGI languages makes more sense than to me than
starting over (especially with freely distributable engines like
Python, Perl and Rebol).

But here's an idea... Since this is all being done under the Amiga
banner, why don't we get ARexx ported onto it, too! Then there will be
no learning curve at all for anyone who's done any Amiga scripting
over the past 10 years!

What a concept, huh?? ;-)


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