OpenAmiga (612/964)

From:Patrick Roberts
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 09:27:28
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

What about someone porting Regina (GNU Rexx intpreter)? Or is ARexx completely
different from Rexx (never used ARexx on anything other than Amiga).


Deryk Robosson wrote:
> Aaron Ruscetta wrote:
> >
> > But here's an idea... Since this is all being done under the Amiga
> > banner, why don't we get ARexx ported onto it, too! Then there will be
> > no learning curve at all for anyone who's done any Amiga scripting
> > over the past 10 years!
> There is only one small problem..C= pissed off Hawes so he wants nothing
> to do with Amiga and the only way to get ARexx would be to deal with
> him. ;)
> Deryk
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