OpenAmiga (614/964)

From:Aaron Optimizer Digulla
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 11:13:56
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

Quoting Patrick Roberts <>:

> > I second this :-) No matter if you love Perl, Java or C++; Python has
> > just a much better learning curve ! And that's the only thing that
> > counts about a builtin scripting language.
> I've been staying out of this thread, but the issue of learning
> curve raises an interesting point- how about CINT as a builting
> scripting language? Nothing new to learn for C programmers.

Well, that implies that everyone knows C :-) Python is still very good
when you start learning programming with it where C lacks (especially
when you enter the lession "Pointers and Stuff" :-)

In the end, I guess the reason why there are so many different languages
around is just that none of them is very good. So maybe my second idea to
use VP as the main "scripting language" is probably best because then
everyone can use his favourite language for scripts :-) This of course
means that we need a very sound security concept and a simply API to
use tools from real scripting languages. Lets see how SHEEP does it.
Even if I'm not at all positive about the idea to have an unknown
scripting language which everyone will have to learn and which has not
yet been used wide spread (at least I've not seen it anywhere :-).

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Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

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