OpenAmiga (619/964)

Date:22 Aug 2000 at 13:47:00
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga tool inclusion...

>Quoting Gary Peake <>:
>> OK, you guys are the ones writing the software additions, tools, etc.
>> IF you wish us to include your contributions, please let me know by
>> private
>> email.
>If not, how about creating a special field in the READMEs which must
>accompany every upload to the FTP server which states if the software
>may be distributed on your distributions ? That should help a lot
>to automate the process.

Just like Aminet does it,.. then you can write some fancy PHP (or whatever)
and have snapshots built from the cvs (or ftp) areas.

>Also, you might want to do the same for the software on the CVS
>server (non-GNU software, that is. Everything GNU can of course
>be distributed without any restrictions except that you must
>include the sources :-)

For example i have stuff under diffrent restrictions (pgp/jikes), it would
be better if this stuff would be 'clearly' distigushed from the gnu stuff.


Matthew J Fletcher

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