OpenAmiga (622/964)

From:Rudi Chiarito
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 14:12:36
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 12:38:43AM -0400, Aaron Ruscetta wrote:
> Unless SHEEP turns out to be some extraordinarily integrated yet
> amazingly simple to learn solution, adapting more broadly supported
> Inter Process // CGI languages makes more sense than to me than
> starting over (especially with freely distributable engines like
> Python, Perl and Rebol).

You're free to port and/or use them. There are already first attempts at
Python and Rebol. Perl shouldn't be that difficult to port, either. The
system, for one, will use SHEEP extensively (think of Startup-Sequence
and User-Startup, for example).

> But here's an idea... Since this is all being done under the Amiga
> banner, why don't we get ARexx ported onto it, too! Then there will be
> no learning curve at all for anyone who's done any Amiga scripting
> over the past 10 years!

ARexx itself is hardly portable, as it's all written in 68k assembly
language and depends heavily on AmigaOS. You might see H&P porting their
StormRexx. But even then, my ARexx scripts would be of no use if nobody
ported CygnusEd or SAS/C as well... ;)

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." (F. Zappa)
Rudi Chiarito SGML/XML, user interface, i18n Amiga Inc.
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