OpenAmiga (626/964)

From:Aaron Optimizer Digulla
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 16:14:47
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga tool inclusion...

Quoting Gary Peake <>:

> >How about transferring the copyright ? Will that be necessary ?
> No, we do not wish to take copyright for works others produced. We just
> want to make sure credit is given where due so people know who produced
> the
> tool or application. Our goal is to get developers names out as much as
> possible so users get familiar with each of you who contribute.

Great :-) Thanks.

> >If not, how about creating a special field in the READMEs which must
> >accompany every upload to the FTP server which states if the software
> >may be distributed on your distributions ? That should help a lot
> >to automate the process.
> OK, Ray can you design a special readme format for everyone to use?

Thanks again.

> >Also, you might want to do the same for the software on the CVS
> >server (non-GNU software, that is. Everything GNU can of course
> >be distributed without any restrictions except that you must
> >include the sources :-)
> Maybe putting up a note saying that all contributions will be passed on
> to other developers unless specifically asked not to?

:-/ Ask your lawyers about this first. There might be trouble
lurking somewhere. Aminet has "open" FTP servers but they sell CDs
with what is uploaded on these FTP servers. So while you might argue
that anything that is uploaded to these servers is meant for everyone,
you still might not be allowed to sell a CD which contains a copy
of the stuff on the server. Even if the CD is only an add-on to your
OS CD, one might still argue that you have some more sales because
of the extra CD (and thus, you are collecting money for something
which you don't own and therefore cannot sell or something).
Therefore, I fear, that you have to have a legally binding
statement that you can include the software. *sigh* Law is hell.

Sowatec AG, CH-8330 Pf�ffikon (ZH)
Witzbergstr. 7,
Tel: +41-(0)1-952 55 55
Fax: +41-(0)1-952 55 66
Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,

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