OpenAmiga (630/964)

From:petr krenzelok
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 17:09:51
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:

> Quoting Rudi Chiarito <>:
> > On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 12:38:43AM -0400, Aaron Ruscetta wrote:
> > > Unless SHEEP turns out to be some extraordinarily integrated yet
> > > amazingly simple to learn solution, adapting more broadly supported
> > > Inter Process // CGI languages makes more sense than to me than
> > > starting over (especially with freely distributable engines like
> > > Python, Perl and Rebol).
> >
> > You're free to port and/or use them. There are already first attempts at
> > Python and Rebol. Perl shouldn't be that difficult to port, either. The
> > system, for one, will use SHEEP extensively (think of Startup-Sequence
> > and User-Startup, for example).
> :-/ So you are replacing the non-standard shell with a non-standard
> scripting language ? Since I know of the nightmares that come from
> such decisions (in the end, there will either be a startup sequence
> which uses a different scripting language than anything else on the
> system or people will have different scripting languages thus it will be
> impossible to exchange startup sequences), may I suggest that you think
> very hard about the possible implications of such a step ?

Well, that's the question. Are you able to talk to apps by different scripting
language than arexx is on the Amiga? My question is more of an philosophical
fashion than concrete one.

1) Look - I program in rebol quite some time, and as /Core (free version)
language has no ability to call shell commands, nor it can acess system
libraries, the question comes to mind - how do you want to make REBOL to talk
to the system?

2) REBOL, as far as I understand it, represents some multiplatform solution.
But it costs something. Let's say it's a little bit special purpose language
than. I can't know what the Sheep is going to be all about, but if it
integrates deeply into system, it has its place here ....

.... similar topic was discussed on phx ml some time ago, in real - it was
discussed several times. The general conclusion was - system should probably
allow to deploy "any" language thru some interface (ORB, COM ...) ... hmm, now
I am not even sure, if there was even any conclusion :-)


> Of course,
> no matter how hard you think and how much effort you put into this to
> come up with the best solution, it will always be the wrong decision
> :-)
> --
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> Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,
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