OpenAmiga (634/964)

From:Rudi Chiarito
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 19:14:55
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 06:09:51PM +0200, petr krenzelok wrote:
> Well, that's the question. Are you able to talk to apps by different scripting
> language than arexx is on the Amiga? My question is more of an philosophical

The answer is yes, bot on the Classic Amiga and on the Amiga NG.

> 1) Look - I program in rebol quite some time, and as /Core (free version)
> language has no ability to call shell commands, nor it can acess system
> libraries, the question comes to mind - how do you want to make REBOL to talk
> to the system?

There's no way but to have Rebol Inc. add a few platform-specific hooks.

> 2) REBOL, as far as I understand it, represents some multiplatform solution.
> But it costs something. Let's say it's a little bit special purpose language
> than. I can't know what the Sheep is going to be all about, but if it
> integrates deeply into system, it has its place here ....

SHEEP is designed to be highly flexible. You can use it as a replacement
for Rexx or any existing shells, but at the same time Wouter took also
time to design it so that it can be compiled (in an efficient manner) and
used in larger projects. The rationale is that for most uses you'll have
no need to look further. Still, if for your particular needs SHEEP is not
what you want, you can still pick something else.

> ... similar topic was discussed on phx ml some time ago, in real - it was
> discussed several times. The general conclusion was - system should probably
> allow to deploy "any" language thru some interface (ORB, COM ...) ... hmm, now

It was repeated I don't know how many times that you will be able to
write programs for the AmigaNG in whatever language you prefer - provided
such language has some means to access the interface. The OS will offer
the interfaces, it's up to the languages to make use of them.

"Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible." (F. Zappa)
Rudi Chiarito SGML/XML, user interface, i18n Amiga Inc.
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