OpenAmiga (656/964)

From:Jesse McClusky
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 22:57:09
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga python

> From: "Aaron Optimizer Digulla" <>
> In the end, I guess the reason why there are so many different languages
> around is just that none of them is very good.

This is like saying, "There are so many spoken languages because
none of them are very good," or, "There are so many different types
of tools because none of them are very good." The fact that they're
around still at all means that they are at least good at *something*.
In fact, to be *very* good at something usually means being not-
that-good at other things. Every new field starts of with general
practicioners, and eventually evolves more and more specialized
fields. The fact that there's so many means that the field is evolving
and refining.


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