OpenAmiga (659/964)

From:Matthew J Fletcher
Date:22 Aug 2000 at 23:10:05
Subject:AMIOPEN: Regina (Rexx Intpreter)

> Patrick Roberts wrote:
> >
> > What about someone porting Regina (GNU Rexx intpreter)? Or is
> ARexx completely
> > different from Rexx (never used ARexx on anything other than Amiga).
> You'll find that although there are both quite similar there are just
> enough differences to make using an ARexx script with a normal Rexx
> interpreter (IBM, etc..) fail without some changes to the script itself.

Well it did i quick port to see what kind of compatablity there would be,
but i ran into a few problems, (mostly coming from the fact that i have
never used regina or arexx much before).

Partick, have you used regina before ?,.. can you make any sense of the

Amiga 1.0:/Regina-2.0$ ./rexx.00 /demo/newstr.rexx
Error 3 running "/demo/newstr.rexx": Failure during initialization
Error 3.1: Failure during initialization: Program is unreadable

I might have just broken it during the port, but the code seems ok,
i dont have any pure rexx scripts (or the ability to write any), to
test this further (some single liners would be good).

If you want this exe to play with mail me privatly and i will send it
over, (200k).


Matthew J Fletcher
Serck Controls Ltd Programming from PIC to Java ICQ amimjf 44193496
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