OpenAmiga (678/964)

Date:23 Aug 2000 at 10:53:00
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: StormC and ARexx (was: ARexx for new Amiga)

>Yes, but together with Markus Poellmann on StormC4 which will be
>rather cool, especially with its "distributed make" function allowing
>compiling utilizing a network of Envoy equipped Amigas - TCP/IP can be
>implemented later. Consider 5 060 Amigas compiling large projects -
>PPC based compiling will also be possible using "egcs" on which StormC
>is now based. There is some problems with the "egcs" assembler tough
>it simply destroys debug information without a reason. ;-)
>And now consider this StormC ported over to Elate and compiling stuff
>utilizing all your set-top boxes, desktop computers and handys in
>your house ;-). Quite some work until we can be there, but it is

So StormC is now a frontend (IDE) for gcc, it should be quite easy to move
that over to using vpcc,... porting the ide is quite another matter though,
is that being worked on now ?, or are you waiting for teh Amiverse betas.


Matthew J Fletcher

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