OpenAmiga (683/964)

From:Adrian Sweeney
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 14:24:30
Subject:AMIOPEN: Programming Concept

Hi I am thinking of trying to write the following

a file tool which has two public accessable commands load and save

for example

save(FILETYPE, filename, PTR_TO_DATA)
load(FILETYPE, filename)

FILETYPE would be somethings like


IF no filename is supplied then a dialog box would appear and in the save as
Type combo box it would display all of the tools (see below) for the

For example FILE_IMAGES = .BMP, .RLE, .GIF, .JPG, .PNG & ...
While FILE_ASCII = .TXT, .BAT, &...

People would then write a tool which would have load and save routines for
thier save type

So say I write a tool for saving .BMP image files well you would only need
to register the tool on your computer for your save dailog box to allow you
to save in that format

What this means is that if someone writes an art package (we are talking
about image saving after all) once a new image format is available you just
down load your new tool and all package on your machine that load images
would automatically load the images

Take this in the context of encryption and the dialog box could offer the
ability to save and then encrypt data so you could have all of the latest
encryption algorithms available to all of your programs

suddenly that little note pad has the ability to encrypt data :) nice

loading of encrypted information would request password before displaying

The nice thing behind all of this is that you could have one file on your
machine that lists all of the FILETYPES available to you and where the tool
is. so when your program loads it opens the file and says ah you can save in
this and this and this format.

Any one interest in helping define standards for this ie what way you call
the save function etc...

Adrian Sweeney
CEO AmigaGlobe

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