OpenAmiga (688/964)

From:Aaron Optimizer Digulla
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 15:08:54
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Hotkey Config/Need suggestions

On Tue, Sep 19, 2000 at 09:11:52PM -0700, Patrick Roberts wrote:

> I've added user hotkey configuration in E-Winease. There's two possibilities
> for the file format I can use with a trade-off. I'd like to get everyone's
> comments and/or suggestions. Here's the basic format
> for config lines (lines starting with # are ignored):

How about an ARexx-Like interface, ie:

key=command line

and the command line is decoded (like for main()) and E-Winease will do

- Lookup argv[0] in a hash and call the function registered with it
with f (argc, argv).

The same API could then be used to control the GUI from a script.

In fact, since hashing gives very good lookup times, I see no advantage
in enforcing a static layout of the config file (especially since Ami
already has an API to create hashes).

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Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla,
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