OpenAmiga (70/964)

From:Zoltan Hunt
Date:5 Sep 2000 at 22:07:58
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: G450 released

I'd love to see a G800/Alpha/SoundBlaster combo but that would probably be a
high-ender. (I doubt that would fit into the $900 range I thin they were
talking about)- still nice to hope.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Davis <>
To: Zoltan Hunt <>
Date: Tuesday, September 05, 2000 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: AMIOPEN: G450 released

>On 05-Sep-00, Zoltan Hunt, wrote:
>>Not a lot new with it, but Matrox just released the G450, basically its a
>>cost-reduced version of the 400Max with a few tweeks. There is a good
>>run-down on it at
>>Performance-wise its not as good as a regular G400, but its a bit cheeper.
>>Some good reading.
>>(waiting for the G800 :) )
>Yeah, but, what what processor has AmigaInc chosen, to keep that G800
>busy? It seems, to me, that a nice, plastic Alpha chip is fast enuff and
>could keep that gfx chipset busy; complimenting the AmigaVP's 64 bitness ;)
> .-. .-.
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Davis -------\-----/---\---/-\---/---\-----/-----\-------/-------\
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