OpenAmiga (707/964)

From:Arto Huusko
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 17:48:19
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Amiga on NetBSD?

On 20-Syy-00, wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 05:33:07PM +0100, Martin Baute wrote:
>> Hello Arto
>> On 20-Sep-00, you wrote:
>>> The reason I want to know these is, I don't own Amiga SDK and if Linux
>>> is such a big requirement won't even buy it. On the other hand I am a
>>> NetBSD user and one of the best comments describing where I'm getting at:
>> No, the demands of the SDK are not very Linux specific, or they wouldn�t
>> be able to ship the WIndows version of their SDK soon. ;-)
>> Don�t know if they had a look at NetBSD already, though.
> Personally I'd like the SDK to run on FreeBSD, not tried it under the
> Linux emulation on there yet though :/

I have sort of a feeling that Amiga got bitten a little by the huge
Linux hype. Assuming that the Amiga SDK is not dependent on the Linux
kernel, or that the dependencies are quite trivial, why couldn't/can't
they release the package for other free OS? *BSD would be very ideal,
and I believe that these days a lot of classic Amiga users also run
NetBSD on their old boxes.

I can't see the costs on providing the system for *BSD (say FreeBSD,
NetBSD/i386 (and /Amiga ;) and OpenBSD/i386) anywhere so
high that they couldn't do it.

Arto Huusko
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