OpenAmiga (72/964)

From:Matthew Kille
Date:5 Sep 2000 at 22:03:52
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Compressed archive formats

Hi Matthew,

On 05-Sep-00, Matthew J Fletcher wrote:

> bzip can do about 30% better than lha over binaries, on a 10 mb download
> thats more than a few bytes.

Really, as much as that? I suppose that could be considered quite
significant... :)

(But how much better do you think it could get...?)

I'm not really that bothered which archive format gets used, so long as the
user interface is friendly and consistant. I think lha is good in this
respect, (compare with tar), but there could be improvements...?

> If people have problems extracting archives then perhaps they should not
> be using a beta os.

It's not just for the SDK versions of Ami, but for the AmigaOne and beyond.
People will always still want to de-archive files by hand. Just because I
like to work at a lower level than others, doesn't mean that I want to
read and remember 6 or 7 different archiver command line options.

> Either the os adds support for every new file format or every application
> has to do it indipendantly,.. me i would rarther amiga inc to the work
> for me...

I would rather have my core OS deal with as small a number of different
formats as possible, and instead have inline-converters sitting at all my
computers ports. Once a downloaded file is converted to my native format,
it sits on my computer in a form that suits my particular needs, allowing
my OS to be smaller and more efficent. (Conversion tools are loaded and
then unloaded for the download, and then never again. i.e. not everytime
the particular file is used.)

>> There are no easy answers. :/
> Very true,.

But then that's not what Amiga is about. Microsoft take the easy course,
and that's why they ended up with BMP. We should be thinking about better
ways of doing things.

>> And I don't mean those
>> annoying requesters that pop up and tell you that you're out of date,
>> and that you should upgrade everything!
> they piss me off,.. windoze just started a 10mb download of ie 5.5, and i
> had to pull the plug to stop it...

Yeah, not helpful, just annoying. User friendlyness does not mean trying to
do everything for the (stupid) user. :(


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