OpenAmiga (721/964)

From:Rafael Vicar�a Alloza
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 21:18:49
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: Hotkey Config/Need suggestions

Hello Michiel,

On Wednesday, 20-Sep-00, 13:00:26,
<> wrote about:
RE: AMIOPEN: Hotkey Config/Need suggestions:

> I am not an expert but I would like to add my comments.

> Why not consider to store configs in XML datafiles?

> With XML you can store the keyindexes/whatever and easily retrieve it
> too. I am only educated in the Evil Empire' from Redmonds tools and
> not much else.. I suggest, use Java to read XML datafiles. The SDK can
> translate Java bytecode to .00 tools, which should be includeable in
> VP apps. Since there is no know XML capabilities in the
> SDK/Tao/whateveritscalled take the shortcut with Java.

Very good suggestion indeed, IMHO.

> I havent done much (hardly any) investigations on what you can't do
> with Java & XML but thanks to Java there are a lot of more capabilites
> open to us Amigans.

And since XML is sort of a "structured ASCII", it's still ASCII,
readable and understandable by humans. With all the further capabilities
of XML, which should not be few.

> Using Java somehwere you probably do not have to reinvent the wheel.

Yep! And you don't need binary config files either... B-)

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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