OpenAmiga (723/964)

From:Rafael Vicar�a Alloza
Date:20 Sep 2000 at 21:37:20
Subject:Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization

Hello Gustavo,

On Wednesday, 20-Sep-00, 15:29:48,
<> wrote about:
Re: AMIOPEN: GUI Standardization:

> Hello,

>> That's great. IMHO, *all* configuration files should be ASCII,
>> so humans can read and understand it. No exceptions.

> Only, if the information have sense.

This is achieved by good design practice.

> For example:
> HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{86747AC0-42A0-1069-A2E6-08002B30309D}

That's not good design, as it shows. It's readable but not
understandable. And it needs a nicely written man page, of course,
so users can understand what they read. Simple, isn't it? <g>

> and of course, please don't put all configurations
> options inside only one file. (this is bad design).

I guess that that depends on the functionality of the tool itself, i.e.,
small tools will have small config files, and huge tools will have what
they deserve... ;-)

Best regards


>...olive oil is the way to go!<

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